About us

Reddot é uma empresa de biotecnologia especializada no fornecimento de insumos e equipamentos para biologia molecular e diagnósticos moleculares de alta performance.

A Reddot Bio é uma empresa de biotecnologia inovadora, com sede em San Carlos, California (Vale do Silicio / EUA) e com unidade no Brasil, especializada no fornecimento de insumos para biologia molecular e diagnósticos moleculares de alta performance. 

Com unidade produtiva e de desenvolvimento de produtos localizada em Florianópolis (Santa Catarina), a empresa se destaca por seu compromisso com a excelência e com a inovação tecnológica.

A Reddot Bio atende toda a América Latina, proporcionando soluções avançadas e de qualidade para profissionais e empresas da área de biotecnologia e saúde.


RedONE System

Run our assays in your Elisa readers. Simple as that!

If you do not have an equipment, we can supply one to you.

Reddot`s MDx-Nano technology can run on any low- or high-throughput Elisa readers. If you need an equipment, we can supply to you our highly compact and easy-to-use Elisa readers.

• Red96 Elisa Reader: The Red96 is the only truly portable plate reader in the world. Easily transported within or between different laboratories, the Red96 gives you complete flexibility. In the often-crowded setting of the modern laboratory, the Red96 helps decentralizing important workflows, increasing access to instrumentation and bringing readout to your workspace. The Red96 is the first microplate reader on the market to contain 96 individual detection units. Without the need to scan across multiple wells, the Red96 requires no moving parts. In combination with long-life LEDs, the solid-state technology provides a maintenance-free user experience and ensures reliable, high-quality results.

• RedONE Elisa Reader: RedOne provides a singular user experience and low cost. Disrupting the idea of centralized equipment, the RedOne’s minimal footprint and low price point mean it is available to every lab - and even every workstation. The application of ambient light canceling technology results in an open design, allowing for quick and intuitive cuvette loading. Auto cuvette detection initiates measurement in a fraction of a second and results are displayed instantly in the RedOne App.

Extração e Purificação

Extração Automatizada

Kit de Extração - Beads

Kit de Purificação - Coluna


Kits Diagnósticos

Leitores de Densidade Óptica
